Thursday, June 5, 2008

The Ship Of Sulaiman (sos) vs Undang-undang Kedah (uuk)

Dua buah buku ini ada persamaan iaitu ia merupakan terjemahan dari manuskrip yang disimpan di muzium. Perbezaannya pula, sos merupakan tulisan yang direct to the point, ia menceritakan sesuatu perkara secara teratur dan tak perlukan otak mereng untuk memahaminya. Manakala uuk pula merupakan undang-undang atau kanun yang menerangkan tentang kutipan cukai pelabuhan dan dari cukai itu berapa hendak diberi kpd sultan, berapa hendak diberi pada panglima dan berapa hendak diberi kepada pang enam. Ia tidak lebih dari sebuah undang-undang atau kanun tapi ada puak otak mereng yang menggunakan buku ini untuk membuktikan salasilah nenek moyang mereka malah dengan tebal muka turut mendakwa bahawa mereka itu berasal dari keturunan Raja-raja Ayuthaya yang kononnya beragama Islam.

Dalam tulisan kali ini, saya ingin merujuk Phra Narai, raja Ayutthaya yang dikatakan berugama Islam hanya dengan merujuk pada gambar lukisan lama pada sekeping pintu yang menunjukkan seorang lebai berserban dan berkeris. Kononnya Narai ini adalah org yg sama dgn hang Tuah dan Tu Saaban. Kiranya Narai ini adalah dari species katak pisang yang boleh melompat ke sana ke sini bagi menjalan tiga watak secara serentak, tak ubah macam wakil rakyat atau org politik yg suka lompat-lompat itu.

Saya memilih Narai kerana pada masa yang sama saya ingin merujuk The Ship Of Sulaiman memandangkan penulis manuskrip yang merupakan utusan dari Parsi merujuk Narai sebagai King Of Siam dlam catatannya. Walau pun dlm catatan ini tidak menyebut nama Narai kita dapat mengagaknya kerana dlam catatan ini turut menyebut bahawa menteri kanan raja adalah Frank (orang putih). Frank ini tidak lain tidak bukan adalah Phaulcon. Frank minister ini sangat berkuasa sehinggakan utusan Parsi ini harus mendapat kebenaranya sebelum mengadap raja setelah tertangguh selama 20 hari sebagaimana catatan dlam sos ms. 60..

...twenty days later a messenger came and announced that the king wished my most humble self to go to the house of the Frank prime minister...he ask me what the purpose of our visit to Siam really was, i answer:"Our king, the benefactor of mankind, has sent us to this country for the purpose of goodwill and strengthening the foundations of accord and love and there are absolutely no other motives attached to our mission"...

Tetapi perkara yang sebenarnya, kedua-dua pihak (Islam dan Kristian) sedang berusaha untuk mempengaruhi Narai memeluk agama mereka. Pihak utusan Parsi sangat benci kpd Phaulcon sebab ia menjadi penghalang niat mereka di mana Narai dikatakan lebih cenderung utk menerima agama Kristian berbanding Islam. Mereka mengakui perkara ini dlam cataan sos ms. 120..

..As the faith of the Siamese king the situation is not very clear...but every so often he (Narai) shows interest in the faith of his particular prime minister..

Menurut catatan ini lagi, terdapat ramai orang Islam dan Kristian di Ayutthaya ketika itu. Catatan menyebut..

...Siamese men and women will join whatever religion of their overlords' adhere to. Thus the Iranians who have settled in Siam and begun to raise a family,brought all their household into fold of Islam. In the same way the Christian community has managed to convert about five to six thousand natives to its faith. . When this fact is brought to the king's attention, he says that he has no interest in the matter and that the people may adhree to whatever religion they wish as long as they remain part of his peasantry. Thus every nation which comes to Siam converts some natives to ists own religion. What faith the king really holds in his heart, 'God knows best the secrets of His servants....

Namun, penulis tidaklah perlu bertanya kpd Allah apa anutan Narai kerana selepas itu mereka sendiri mencatatkan tentang pegangan agama Siam...

...Just as we have Friday for our holy day, the Siamese have a particular day and night of the week which is their day of worship and this day called Vam Pra (wah, sama mcm yang kita Siam Buddha masih praktik sampai hari ni). How ever, their special day does not recur regularly but in the first, seventh, fifteenth and twenty-seventh of their month , a month which is calculated by an ancient system. (memang la, kita ikut haribulan, buka hari. kalau haribulan tu jatuh hari Ahad, Ahad la, kalu jatuh hari Jumaat, Jumaat la..walaubagaimana pun kalendar Siam sampai 15 saja bai, mana sampai 27, tak apa, kita terima sbb bai mana faham, kalu mrk faham tentu mrk tak buang masa pegi teropong anak bulan utk menentukan tarikh puasa atau raya) . When the time comes they sit on the floor in the temples and face the idols. In the company of their teachers and religious leaders they recite and worship from evening through to the next day. During this time no one engages in work or pays the least attention to bussiness.

That evening the king himself goes to the temple and place of worship and he gathers the indigent monks before him. The monk who is deemed the most learned is given a place on the royal throne and in the same way that the people prostrate themselves before the king...

Di Ayutthaya ada 21 buah masjid? Tak dinafikan kerana sebelum kedatangan utusan Parsi ini, sudah ada penempatan-penempatan Iran. Malah, sebelum Phaulcon, menteri kanan raja adalah orang Islam bernama Aqa Muhammad, di mana mereka mencatat...

...when Aqa Muhammad passed away, the king was ini need of foreign support. Taking advantage of the situation, an ill-begotten Christian rose power and filled the empty position...(sos ms.59)

Walau bagimanapun, dlm sos ini tidak pula disebut berapa jumlah masjid, yang mereka sebut adalah temple...

...despite the fact that Siam is only a small kingdom it contains more than five thousand temples and if this was not enough the monks encourage the natives to build new ones...(sos ms.116)

Saya ingin menyentuh sedikit tentang keris. Memang diakui keris bukan senjata buatan Siam. Tapi kalau orang lain yang membawa atau menghadiahkan keris itu, tak kan Siam tak mau. Dari mana asal-usul keris di Ayutthaya, jawapannya juga boleh diperolehi dalam SOS ini..

..Another festivity which is worth mentioning is the dancing of the men of java and Macassar. The Macassars are from a separate country which lies near Siam (bayangkan, Negara makasar itu dikatakan berdekatan dengan Siam, tentu Siam ketika itu ada sampai ke Johor hari ini) and has its own king and they are all Shafi'i Muslims. Despite the fact they live in Siam they still preserve their own way of life and in general this is the case with all the foreign nations that have settled in Siam.These Macassar had their own neighbourhood in Shahr Nav and there they lived and followed the creed of their own religion. For instance, it is their custom that both the men and women always carry weapons with them. They walk about with daggers fixed to their lungi, which is a tunic they wear to cover their private parts and they do not even put aside their weapons when they go to bed at night. When they have a party, male or female musicians play wild music and arouse the men who take up sharp daggers in their hand. The Macassar call their dagger a kris and it has anexcellently wrought serpentine blade. In the manufacture of such daggers they are great craftmen and they are known to temper the blade by dopping it in poison...(sos ms.136)

Sedikit tentang rutin harian raja (kalau mau tau lebih, boleh pinjam buku sos ini dari saya)..

..Considering himself an upstanding idolator and a god in his own right, the king lives a life of the strictest devotion...As soon as the king wakes up, he washes and change his clothes. Then he goes to the temple and prostrates himself before the idols and the carved images of his relatives, living and dead. After morning prayers the king leaves the temple and proceeds to a special room where he receives several learned doctors...(sos ms.140).

Sekian dahulu buat kali ini. Maaf sekiranya ada kesilapan ejaan kerana saya tulis rujuk buku, bukan copy paste dari web site.

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